Finding the suitable PG in Bangalore is like finding a needle in a haystack. It is tiring, it is time-consuming, and it will leave you with a deep hatred for human beings. I am just kidding. House hunting is an essential life skill that every young adult needs to learn. Here is my take on finding the right house in a place like Bangalore.

The Silicon Valley Of India: Bangalore 

The Silicon Valley Of India_ Bangalore

Bangalore is the capital of the southern Indian state of Karnataka and is one of the biggest cities in India. It is popularly lauded as the IT Capital or the Silicon Valley of India due to the presence of some of the major IT companies. Bangalore is easily the largest city in southern India.

As per recent figures, Bangalore is the third most populous city in India. Every year, countless people come to the city to study, work, or settle down. As a result, finding a PG in Bangalore is one of the most challenging things to do. 

Bangalore is not just one of the largest cities in India; it is also the 27th most populous city in the country. As a result, Bangalore is more than just a city. It is one of the biggest urban conglomerates in the world.


This might not be directly related to the whole discussion of finding the suitable PG in Bangalore City. However, some knowledge about your new city will help you. As per historical records and findings of Jalahalli and Sidhapura, the town was established around 4000 BCE. 

This makes Bangalore one of the oldest cities in India. The burial sites of Koramangala and Chikkaja are two of the most important historical sites for Bangalorean people. Roman coins dating back to the rule of Augustus Tiberius and Claudius were found near these areas. As a result, it was believed that Bangalore was one of the country’s major trading and residential hubs.


Bangalore is a megacity in all senses. The city houses a total population of around 8,443,675, along with an added 10,456,000 in the new urban agglomeration. Bangalore is a central IT hub. As a result, the city has become a significant point of confluence for the IT industry.

Hence, every year, thousands of people flock to this metropolis in order to find employment. Bangalore is currently one of the fastest-growing cities in India. The urban conglomeration is said to grow by three times in the upcoming decade. 

Therefore, it is easy to understand why the city is considered to be one of the biggest and the most complex cities in which to find accommodation. As a result, finding a PG in Bangalore city is a herculean task, to say the least.

How To Find A PG In Bangalore? 

How To Find A PG In Bangalore_

Bangalore is one of the fastest-growing cities in the country. As a result, the city would not do you a disservice when you go looking for affordable accommodations. However, with proper knowledge, things can become manageable. 

The first problem that most first-time PG hunters face is needing more information about the starting point. As a result, people tend to need clarification and start contacting brokers. I have no issues against brokers. However, why pay when you can do it yourself? You should start asking this question more and more while you are house hunting. 

Here are three of the most popular and tested methods of finding the suitable PG in Bangalore. Let us dive right in: 

Search For Online Listings 

The Internet is the savior over here. It is the best tool that a house hunter has at their disposal. It will help you save time and creepy real-life interactions. Therefore, you must always appreciate the power of the Internet. 

Searching for online listings is very simple. Just log into your Google account and start searching for the best PG accommodations in Bangalore. The internet would not do you a disservice.

However, only go selecting properties with a specific agenda. Create a checklist (something I will be discussing later in this article) and stick to it. Otherwise, you will fail to maximize your search results.

Word Of Mouth 

Before the Internet, there was the word of mouth. Do yourself a favor and look for mutual connections you have in Bangalore. Social media is a great way to connect with old friends. Therefore, you should start by rebuilding the bridges. 

Every house hunter who has been living in Bangalore for more than a year should have some idea about the markers and points that one needs to remember in order to look for a house in Bangalore. I suggest you take the help of these people to find your dream PG in Bangalore. 

Even if you do not know someone in Bangalore, drop a story in Bangalorean forums in order to get help from the local population.

Going Old School 

The final method is going old school. This should be your last resort, as it takes time, effort, and finances. However, this is the sure-shot way of finding the right house for yourself. But be ready to do some walking and get lost in the meandering streets of Bangalore.

I suggest you get hold of a broker. There are enough PG brokers in the city, and they are easy to find. Get in touch with a broker and go on a house-hunting spree. This is one of the most challenging ways of finding houses in the city. However, it is known to produce results. 

However, do keep in mind that the broker is not your friend. He is a businessman who is looking to make some cash. Therefore, be strong and choose the house that fits your needs and not your broker’s needs. Also, I would suggest you take a local friend with you. This will help you to feel more comfortable.

Checklist For Finding The Perfect PG In Bangalore 

Checklist For Finding The Perfect PG In Bangalore

As I have already pointed out, finding the right house in Bangalore is all about sticking to a checklist. With a checklist, you are able to make right choices. Therefore, you need to have a clear idea about the things that you need to know in order to make the right choice. 

In the following section, I will be listing all the things that I look for when I am house hunting. The checklist has helped me, but it needs to be foolproof. Use the information I will provide in order to build your own checklist.

With that in mind, let us dive right in.


The first point that you should be concerned about is the location. Location plays a significant role when it comes to house hunting. Location is the deciding factor that will decide the quality of your living. Therefore, you need to be selective about the location of your choice of PG.

First things first, the PG should be near your work or college. Otherwise, you will have to spend the majority of your time commuting. The ideal location for your dream PG is within walking distance from your PG. 

Location not only decides your lifestyle. In fact, it also decides the rent. PGs near significant colleges and working spaces tend to have higher rent than usual. Therefore, look for a balanced approach.


Leasing or renting a PG in Bangalore is simple. However, it takes a lot of work. Transportation is an essential aspect of the whole deal. Many first-time house hunters need to remember the importance of transportation. However, it would help if you were not one of them. 

Your PG in Bangalore should not just be affordable. It should also be accessible. Otherwise, I see no point in getting your own PG, but in a questionable locality without proper transportation.

Living in a remote part of the city is like living on an island. Whatever money you would save on rent, you will have to spend it again on transportation. Therefore, assess the transportation situation or your PG’s locality to get a better idea of accessibility.


Another significant factor that people tend to ignore is the hygiene part of the whole deal. I do not have to elaborate on the importance of having good hygiene. However, people tend to dismiss it for some reason. I do not want that for you. 

Over here, I am talking about two different aspects of hygiene. First, your PG should have enough basic hygiene amenities. The washrooms should be clean, the building should have a proper sewage system, the building must have good ventilation, the kind of water that the tank supplies, etc.

Secondly, the locality should be hygienic as well. It sounds crass, but LIG areas are loose about hygiene and equivalent aspects. Therefore, look for places that have good hygiene and sewage systems.


Since we are already on the topic of hygiene and neighborhood, I guess it is essential to discuss the sociological aspects of your PG’s neighborhood as well. Always look for PGs in unproblematic places. Do not look for areas that are cheap yet seem problematic in nature. This would only add to your overall problems.

If your budget allows you, look for PGs in posh areas of the city. This might push the overall cost higher, but you will not be bothered by unnecessary problems. In fact, try to get a PG in closed societies. These societies are a self-contained ecosystem that protects their residents from unnecessary issues.

Also, your neighborhood should have access to basic facilities like hospitals, schools, community parks, etc. Otherwise, you are missing out a lot.


As a human being, you will not be able to survive without basic amenities. Therefore, sit down and list all the basic amenities that you need to have access to in order to survive. Otherwise, you are opening yourself to inconveniences.

Subsequently, make sure that the location of your PG has access to these amenities. Some of the most basic amenities that you need to have access to include grocery shops, gyms, salons, departmental stores, dry cleaners., and chemists.

All these amenities should be located in and around your house within walking distance. Otherwise, you are negating the whole purpose. Just imagine taking an auto for a bar of soap.


A perfect PG is not a singular concept. It is a culmination of several points. It should fit your pocket as well as your needs. Otherwise, there is no point in renting a PG. Keep a strict budgeting upper-case figure. This figure will help you identify your financial limitations. 

Most PGs in Bangalore will ask you to pay up to around six months of rent as a security deposit. This is the basic norm. However, you must not accept your landlord’s terms at face value. Be thorough about the whole process. Otherwise, you are literally throwing away money.

Also, you need to remember that rent is just one of the many expenses that you have to bear. So, only go some bonkers and rent a place that is extremely expensive and spreads your budgeting needs thin.

House Rules 

The final hurdle of finding the suitable PG in Bangalore is knowing the house rules. In India, house rules matter a lot. You cannot expect your landlord to be accommodative of your antics. However, there is no harm in having a one-to-one conversation with your landlord about the rules. 

I suggest you be honest about the kind of people you want to invite, the rules you need to adhere to, and the type of privacy you expect. This will iron out a lot of edges for the future.

Otherwise, you and your landlord would often end up having scuffles about the difference of opinion. Trust me, you would like to avoid all of those things.

The Final Thought 

With that, you have reached the very end of my article about finding a suitable PG in Bangalore. Even though there are several aspects that one needs to understand in order to find a suitable PG, it is not difficult for someone who knows how to go about it. Therefore, keep an open mind and take all the challenges as learning curves.

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Soumava Goswami
A passionate writer and an avid reader, Soumava is academically inclined and loves writing on topics requiring deep research. Having 3+ years of experience, Soumava also loves writing blogs in other domains, including digital marketing, business, technology, travel, and sports.

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