Master Bedroom Etymology: How Did The Term Came Into Being?

The master bedroom is oftentimes the largest and the most “good-looking” room of the house. In the old days, this room was the bedroom of the master of the house, that is, the owner. The term also gives a connotation of increased status, for whoever is more lucky than others to have access to the room. The term also has a history to it. Hence, to learn more about the master bedroom etymology, read on through to the end of this article.
In this article, you will learn about the term “master bedroom” and what it stands for in general. However, after that, we will discuss some of the major aspects of a master bedroom of a given house. Apart from that, you will also learn about the master bedroom etymology, where we will discuss where the phrase came from. Finally, you will learn how the term is still used today and how relevant it is.
Master Bedroom Etymology: A General Overview
According to The Sun, a popular news portal, “The master bedroom is often the largest and most desirable room in a home. The term carries connotations of increased status for whoever is lucky enough to bag the room while also having an interesting history in its own right. The term “master bedroom” comes from the idea that the largest and best room was reserved for the master of the house.”
Whether a building is a big mansion or a tiny apartment, the head of the household resides in the master bedroom. Hence, for a child, the parents live in the master bedroom. In a joint household, the grandparents live in the master bedroom. It is then passed on to the next generation, who is the sole owner of the household.
The term “master bedroom” was popularized in the early 20th century. People in those times wanted to denote that the room was reserved for the master of the household. In most cases, the owner of the household was a man.
However, for many people, the term is now inappropriate and, in some cases, even unacceptable. The inherent male application of the term makes it unsuitable and even offensive for many. The term ‘master’ also carries an association with slavery.
What Are The Major Features Of The Master Bedroom?
According to, “The master bedroom should be the focal point of any luxury custom home because you’re going to be spending a lot of time there. Even though most of that time is while you are sleeping, it’s also the perfect place to curl up with a book, spend time with your partner, or just to tuck away some privacy. That being said, when you design a luxury bedroom, it should include all the elements to stand out.”
The following are some of the major features of the master bedroom:
1. It comes with better options for lighting and makes the room big enough for a bedroom. The room is also located in an area that is not easily accessible to new people coming to the house.
2. The room should have large and comfortable furniture and a big trend. The bed of the room is mostly King Size and might even consist of a bed larger than King Size, like California King, Wyoming King, or Alaskan King bed.
3. The master bedroom also has large windows. The outside area view from the bedroom should be good enough for the “Master of the household.”
4. It mostly comes with an attached bathroom, which should also complement the master bedroom.
Master Bedroom Etymology: Where Did The Phrase Came From?
The word “Master” comes from the Latin word, Magister, meaning Principal, Head, or Chief. Historically, this term was used for men who were authoritative, head of an area, or in a high position. In other cases, “master” also meant “slave owners.”
The term “master bedroom” appeared during the early 20th century to denote the room in the household which was reserved for the master. In most cases, the master of the household was a man.
The Sears catalog used the term “master bedroom” in 1926. The term appeared in an article about the most expensive house of the time. The house was a Dutch colonial house, then priced at $4,398. The price now is equivalent to $74,047.
As per sources, the term came to use more widely after the Second World War. This term was used to give working parents a space in their own homes. Hence, this time, people created their own “master bedroom” with their own doors to have privacy as parents. Living areas in those days used to be planned with open design.
Master Bedroom: How Does The Term Find Relevance Today?
According to US News, “Of course, a name change for a room doesn’t address the bigger issues in housing related to race and discrimination. While the federal Fair Housing Act prohibits housing discrimination based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status, or disability, HUD still investigates thousands of illegal discrimination claims every year.”
However, the US Department of Housing and Urban Development concluded after various investigations that the term “master bedroom” did not create many issues. Customers never felt discouraged to buy a house because of the term.
Nowadays, many people are recommending using the term “Primary Bedroom” instead of “master bedroom,” which seems a good step in the right direction.
Master Bedroom Ideas You Need To Know About
A master bedroom is just a term. However, for us, it is something completely different. All of us in Dreamland Estate believe that a master bedroom is a blank canvas. A canvas that is waiting to be filled with colors and ideas.
Hence, a master bedroom is what you make of it. It is the physical manifestation of how your mind functions. However, this mind-to-construction process is not the easiest thing to do. Here are some master bedroom ideas for you to refer to.
Here we go!
The Dark Design
The first style is called the dark design bedroom. This is probably one of the safest design choices for couples who like to add contrast to their love life. The style statement is simple and matches all the wooden textures. This provides a framework for your bedroom. In a way, it adds a sense of rhythm to the madness.
Extra White
White is a very important design choice. I personally believe that white is a great hue to use in the bedroom. It evokes a sense of calmness and serenity in the room. A whitewashed master bedroom would not only make for a great design choice, but it will also help you accessorize and add color pops to the mix. Therefore, making your bedroom vibrant yet white.
Muted White Theme
If extra white is a little too much and you want something a little muted, then you can definitely go for the muted white theme. Muted white or off-white is a great choice for the master bedroom. In fact, it is one of the most widely used color palettes. However, offwhite is a dirt magnet. Therefore, you need to spend a lot of time cleaning and tending to stains. The only downside.
Neutral Theme
A general rule of thumb is to match your bedroom’s neutral hues to your skin tone. However, this is not mandatory in any way. Try to add some neutral hues like gray, off-white, beige, etc., and then contrast them with blue, gold, black, etc. This would make for a nice color play situation. Therefore elevating your room’s style statement. Then again, always match the color and texture of your wooden furniture.
The Blues
Blue is a vibrant and beautiful color. It is one of the only hues that can work with every other color. A complete blue bedroom might sound over the top, but it is a great styling choice that you should explore. However, be very careful about the kind of blue you want to experiment with. Do not choose something that is a little too out there. Otherwise, your room might look a little off-key.
Dull Yet Bright
The final styling choice that you need to know is the dull yet bright styling choice. This is one of the best styling choices that is best suited for a wooden cabin. You can choose hues like silver, brown, gray, etc. However, follow a gradient rule. Do not deviate too much from the primary color. Otherwise, the room might look mismatched.
Final Thoughts
Hope this article was helpful for you to get information about Master Bedroom etymology and how the term came into being. Over the years, many people and authorities discussed whether the term is accurate or whether it has a racial connotation. In recent times, the US Department of Housing and Urban Development said that the term did not discourage anyone from buying.
Whether the term is offensive or not is a matter of debate. Many experts found that customers who are looking for houses are not fully concerned about the usage of the term “master bedroom.” Hence, it is not yet a big issue. What are your opinions on this matter? Share your opinions with us in the comments section below.
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