Home Design

Design Strategy: How to Start Your Home Remodeling Journey

Home Remodel Design

In a year when so many industries struggled, home remodels and renovations soared, with 3 of every 5 homeowners undergoing a home improvement project from March 2020 onward. It’s understandable that this would happen, given how much time all of us now spend in our homes.

If you’re ready to start your own project, our guide will take you through the steps you need to put you in control of your home remodel design.

Determine Your Needs

The first thing you should do when starting any home remodeling project is to determine the needs and scale of the project. Are you conducting a remodel of the entire home or a single room?

Why are you remodeling the space? If it’s to accommodate for changing needs in your home, like a home office or a larger kitchen, you need to ensure that the form of your remodel follows function.

Formulate Your Home Remodel Design

Once you’ve determined your needs, you can settle in for the fun part: coming up with a home remodel design. How will your dream home look once the remodel’s complete?

To figure out what you want and what’s doable for your space, you can take one of two different routes.

Route one: conduct your own inspirational research. Check out home improvement blogs and Pinterest boards for design elements that spark joy for you. Take this time to see if you prefer trendy designs or classic ones, and run from there.

Route two: seek out a professional home remodeling company and see how they can help you find your dream home or room. Sometimes, by consulting with the pros, you can discover more about your stylistic preferences and practical needs than you could on your own.

Set a Realistic Budget

Not budgeting enough for your home remodel, or trying to cut cost corners in an area that needs adjustment, is a quick way to wind up disliking your remodeled space. This is why setting a realistic budget for your project is key. Don’t get so caught up in premium finishes and esthetic solutions that you neglect your practical needs or wind up skimping out on the less glamorous parts of the project.

Research and Hire Professionals

Once you have your design and budget in place, it’s time to research and hire the contractors that can make it happen. This is one area of remodeling your home that you should never be a cheapskate about! Ill-qualified or unprofessional contractors can lead to sloppy work and changes that aren’t likable or lasting.

Need More Home Improvement Tips?

Deciding to remodel and choosing your home remodel design is a scary and time-consuming process. You have to balance your needs, your desires, and your wallet, which can prove tricky.

However, you don’t need to do all your planning alone. For the latest home improvement tips and real estate news, check out our blog daily for more content like this!

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Mashum Mollah
Mashum Mollah is an entrepreneur, founder, and CEO at Viacon, a digital marketing agency that drives visibility, engagement, and proven results. He blogs at BloggerOutreach.io.

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