How Much Does It Cost To Build An Apartment Complex?

apartment complex

If we talk about the United States, the costs associated with building an apartment complex has only increased with time. However, the costs associated changes with location, demand, as well as the type of building that you are try to invest into. Despite that, the amount that you need to pay, on an average, in the United States is $398/ square foot.

In this article, you will mainly come to know about the prices associated with the building of an apartment complex in the United States. Furthermore, we will also discuss about the major factors that contribute to the costs of an apartment complex. In addition to that, you will also get to know of the people and institutions that are associated with the building of an apartment complex. Hence, to get fully informed, read on through to the end of the article.

Major Factors That Affect The Costs Of An Apartment Complex

Major Factors That Affect The Costs Of An Apartment Complex
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You might ask – What are the costs for building an apartment complex near me?

Although having a square foot estimate gives you an idea of the cost of the building, it still does not give a whole picture of the entire cost of the apartment complex. There are also different costs added inside the cost-per-square-foot estimates, if you go on to break down the costs to build an apartment complex.

The following are the major costs that you can come across while building an apartment complex:

  • Hard Costs: These are the costs associated with the main factors required to build an apartment complex. These include raw materials, equipment, labor, property, utilities, site work, as well as some other expenses that are directly related to the construction of the buildings.
  • Soft Costs: These are the added costs that are required for the construction, like taxes, permits, designs, fees, engineering, drawings, inspections, registrations. These are all the indirect costs for building the apartment complex.
  • Finance Costs: These costs include all the ones that are associated with the financing of the construction project. These consists of every financing cost like, interests, finance charges, origination fees. Such moneys come from either banks or financial institutions.
  • Long-term Costs: These costs include the ones that are required to maintain the entire construction, systems, utilities, and every other expense from time to time. These costs are also associated with the location of the building, design of the building, amenities, and other maintenance costs.

In addition to the cost-per-square-foot cost, you will also have to consider these costs, if you are intent on constructing an apartment complex. Furthermore, investors, project owners, and developers must also consider additional costs that might occur due to delays and disputes. Apart from that, there are payment disputes as well, which can further cause delays in the construction progress of the apartment.

The Planning And Construction Processes Of Apartment Complex

The following are the factors that you will need to consider if you are looking to construct an apartment, and put that apartment complex for sale:

1. How Much Does It Cost To Build An Apartment Complex?

How Much Does It Cost To Build An Apartment Complex?
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The region and location of the apartment complex is one of the major factors that you need to consider before the construction, as it is directly associated with the cost. In the US, your expenses will be higher if you want to build an apartment in the West or the East. However, the expenses will be lower, if you want to building the apartment in the Midwest or South.

Furthermore, if you want to build a new apartment complex in and around areas with higher demand of construction, then the expenses will obviously be higher. Since contractors have many projects in their hands, hence, you will not get a competitive price by negotiations. In addition, if you want to use union labor, then there are added costs.

2. Importance Of Selecting The Right Materials

Importance Of Selecting The Right Materials
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If you want to build an apartment with luxury grade finishes, then you will have to choose the material accordingly, which, in turn, will be expensive. In addition to that, you will also need to order the same building materials in large quantities.

If you somehow run short of these materials and equipment, there shall be delays. Furthermore, if the prices of material jump overnight, the expenses will increase as well. Hence, you will also need to focus on materials financing for the construction of apartment complex.

Entities That Play A Role In Apartment Complex Construction

There are many players and entities that play a big role in the construction of an apartment complex. The process of planning and development of an apartment include the following people ion particular:

1. The Architect

The Architect

As an investor, or an owner, you will need to hire an architect. The job of the architect is to design and draw plans for the construction. Furthermore, the architect also gives an idea of the feasibility of the construction process. Additionally, you will also have a better idea of the initial budget of the project.

2. General Contractor

General Contractor

The architect and the owner together select a project contractor. The job of the contractor is to manage all the permits, inspections, hire subcontractors, and generally lead the construction of the apartment complex. Make sure that you have a general contractor that has experience in building apartment of the type that you want.

3. Subcontractor


Subcontractors include all the companies and individuals associated with the actual work. For example, construction labor companies, carpenter companies, electrical companies, plumbing companies, flooring, painting, etc. In such cases, you will need to make sure that there are transparencies with the contractor, and the contractor must be accountable to you.

Summing Up

Hope this article was helpful for you in getting a better understanding of the costs associated with the building of an apartment. Hence, you must have understood that apart from considering the basic cost-per-square-foot area of an apartment complex, there are also other costs which you will need to consider. In addition to that, you will also need to keep in mind the various factors that impact the costs of the construction.

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A passionate writer and an avid reader, Soumava is academically inclined and loves writing on topics requiring deep research. Having 3+ years of experience, Soumava also loves writing blogs in other domains, including digital marketing, business, technology, travel, and sports.

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