Why Families with Young Children In Arlington Need Frequent Home Cleaning

home cleaning in Arlington

Is everyone in your house falling sick frequently? You may need to work on your house cleaning schedules and habits. 

Frequent home cleaning is essential for families with young children, ensuring a safe, healthy, and comfortable living space.

In Arlington, seasonal changes bring allergens and fluctuating humidity levels. Home cleaning in Arington becomes especially more crucial during these months.

Summer, fall, and spring are three seasons when Arlington has a high-level of natural allergens in the air.
During summer and fall, cedar, pecan, and oak trees produce pollen. Further, in summer and late spring, Bermuda and Johnson grasses produce pollen that fills the air. 

Having said that, a home with young children needs regular cleaning and mopping to maintain basic hygiene and keep them away from allergies and infections. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says that 1 in every 5 children suffers from seasonal allergies. 

Again, the American College of Allergy Asthma and Immunology says that Allergic rhinitis or hay fever, nasal congestion, ear infection, and food allergies are common allergic problems in children. 

Do you want more reasons to do regular home cleaning in Arlington? This Dreamland Estate guide shares everything you want to know.

Home Cleaning In Arlington | This Is Why Families With Young Kids Need It 

Home cleaning in Arlington is important, and ideally, it should be done at least once a day. Houses with young children, pets, or elderly members may even need cleaning twice a day. 

Further, weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly deep cleaning is essential to get rid of pollens, bacteria, and other allergens that may refuse to go with regular cleaning. 

Nevertheless, the ideal frequency of cleaning your home in Arlington will depend on your lifestyle and how much traffic it has regularly. 

Having said that, let’s now focus on the benefits or importance of regular home cleaning in Arlington.

1. Reducing Exposure To Germs And Bacteria With Home Cleaning In Arlington

With the immune system still developing, children are more prone to allergies and infections.

Again, toddlers frequently put their hands, toys, and other objects in their mouths, increasing their exposure to bacteria and viruses. Further, door handles, tabletops, and kitchen counters are some high-touch surfaces in the house. 

So, these areas accumulate bacteria quickly. Further, children can gather bacteria from stuffed toys, building blocks, and other play things. 

Some other common germ hotspots in the house are carpets, floors, bathrooms, and changing areas. 

2. Home Cleaning In Arlington To Control Allergens For Better Indoor Air Quality

Children’s respiratory systems are still developing, making them more sensitive to allergens like dust mites, pet dander, pollen, and mold. Poor indoor air quality can trigger allergies, asthma, and respiratory infections.

Some Important House Cleaning Tips To Control Allergens Dusting and vacuuming: Regular removal of dust and pet hair prevents buildup that can trigger allergic reactions.

Washing bedding and soft furnishings: Sheets, pillows, and curtains collect allergens that should be washed frequently.

Keeping air vents and filters clean: HVAC systems circulate air throughout the home, and dirty filters spread dust and mold spores.

3. Preventing Pest Problems With Home Cleaning In Arlington

Food crumbs, spills, and uncleaned kitchen surfaces attract pests like ants, cockroaches, and rodents. 

These pests can carry bacteria and contaminate food, posing a health risk to young children who may accidentally touch or ingest something harmful.

Carpenter ants, bed bugs, fleas, spiders, termites, and mosquitoes are common insects and pests in Arlington. 
Further, don’t mop your house for two days and you will find house mice and Norway rats jumping all over the place. 

To prevent pests, you must wipe the dining areas and kitchen counters thoroughly. Further, use sealed containers to store food. 

Use a trash container with a lid, dispose of the trash, and clean the container regularly to prevent odor and infestations. In addition, if you have young children at home, you will need to clean the areas covered by furniture and appliances. 

You never know when the little one has hidden some treasured gem beneath them.

4. Home Cleaning In Arlington Is Important For A Mess-Free Environment

Spills, sticky surfaces, and scattered toys! These are common problems in a house with young children. Having a regular cleaning routine helps manage these daily messes.

You can use storage bins to easily collect and put away toys at the end of the day. Further, use antibacterial wipes for bathroom and kitchen cleanups. 

Using Non-Toxic And Green Products For House Cleaning In Arlington | Staying Safe 

With spring cleaning in Arlington in full swing, it’s time we take care of ourselves and the environment. Simply put, you cannot choose any random house cleaning solution to get rid of dirt, grime, debris, or infectious elements. 

Many house cleaning solutions have harsh chemicals that cause allergic reactions and harm the building’s structure and surface. Moreover, some of these solutions have carcinogens and hormone disruptors. 

“Breathing large amounts of toluene for short periods of time adversely affects the human nervous system, the kidneys, the liver and the heart.”
United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 

The solution lies in choosing green or organic products for cleaning your house. You can use baking soda, vinegar, and lemon for regular cleaning of your home. Else, you can hire a cleaning agency that promises to use green and non-toxic solutions only. 

Home Cleaning In Arlington | Ensuring Longevity Of Your House

Home cleaning in Arlington is also crucial to prevent regular wear and tear. Regular cleaning of dirt and grime helps to maintain the surface areas like floors and windows. 

Further, not cleaning your house regularly can negatively impact its structural integrity. Accumulation of dirt and debris and excessive humidity can invite termites and other pests, mold, and mildew growth. 

Moreover, you may not always notice the mold, which is a major threat to your health and your building’s structure. You may only realize it when the manifestation has become severe, filling your home with a musty or earthy smell. 

The problem is even worse as there is no official or government facility for inspecting, testing, or removing mold in Arlington. In such cases, you will have to rely on expensive mold removal services. 

So, the smarter solution is to practice regular house cleaning in Arlington with deep cleaning at least once a month.

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A passionate writer and an avid reader, Soumava is academically inclined and loves writing on topics requiring deep research. Having 3+ years of experience, Soumava also loves writing blogs in other domains, including digital marketing, business, technology, travel, and sports.

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