How to get equity out of your home?

In emergencies, we often tend to use the investment we made a long time ago or the funds we gathered up to fall back upon. 

Whether you need to pay for your children’s college tuition or collect money for a house renovation, you can use the typical investment most people make. I am talking about your house. 

As a homeowner, you can access your home equity to pay different emergency needs like the ones I mentioned above. However, there are different methods for getting equity out of your home. Each of them has their own set of risks and rewards.

Go through this article to learn different ways to get equity out of your home. 

How To Get Equity Out Of Your Home?

How To Get Equity Out Of Your Home

If you want to access your home equity, then you can choose one of the different methods available out there. Some of the methods include the following examples –


A Home Equity Line of Credit or a HELOC is a second mortgage allowing homeowners to borrow money against the equity they have in their housing units. Then, they are ready to receive that money like a line of credit. HELOC funds can help borrowers in many ways. Some common uses of the fund pulled out of home equity are for home improvements, education, etc. 

The best part of taking HELOC is that you are receiving the money over some time. You will likely lower your monthly payments and will not have to take unnecessary debt burdens. 

However, these can be pretty expensive. You might indeed have to pay for application fees and attorney fees. Also, when taking HELOC, you must use your home as collateral. So, if you are unable to make your payment on HELOC, you will possibly lose your home. 

Based on the market fluctuation, you have to also be ready for any possible rate increase. Because if the rate is high or the draw period ends, then your payments might change from ‘internet only’ to ‘full amount payment. So, there is a chance for your monthly expenses to have a substantial hit. 

Home Equity Loan

How to get equity out of your home? Here is the second method you should know about. 

While HELOC provides you money-like credits over a period of time, a home equity loan functions the same but provides you with a lump sum of cash. 

Home Equity Loan, too, like HELOC, is a second mortgage on top of the mortgage you are already paying for your house. Home Equity Loans allow homeowners to take loans on the equities built in their residential homes. 

They have a lot of similarities with the HELOCs because homeowners can access their home equity and take loans out of it. 

The best part of Home Equity Loans is that the interest rate is fixed compared to HELOC, which adjusts the interest rate according to the market fluctuation. So, if you are thinking of the long term, they are a great option.

But, on the negative side, you will have another mortgage loan to pay for. Also, the interest rate is usually higher than cash-out refinance. Also, if you stop making your mortgage payments, the primary mortgage holder is the first one in line for payment. Then, the lenders can repay their money. So, lenders usually consider home equity loans riskier. 

Cash Out Refinance

Cash refinance is the third process for getting equity out of your home. It involves taking on a larger mortgage. Simply, you have to borrow more than the amount you owe on the current mortgage, and then you can use the difference between the new mortgage and the amount in the previous mortgage balance for personal reasons like home improvement and so on. 

The benefit here is that you have a definite mortgage payment rate, which stays at a specific level. On the contrary, other options offer a variable rate, making budgeting difficult. So, cash-out refinance has some benefits. 

But, like all the other methods, this has its downsides, starting with an increasing debt load. On top of that, you are also liable to pay closing costs similar to the original mortgage. Also, the lenders might require you to maintain a 20% equity in your property post-cash out. 

Why Should You Take Equity Out Of Your Home?

Why Should You Take Equity Out Of Your Home

There are several benefits of taking out equity of your home. Firstly, you start treating your home like an investment and use the equity the home has accumulated. You can use the fund for 

  • renovating the house itself, 
  • Pay for your college tuition or your child’s college tuition. 
  • debt consolidation
  • Emergency costs, etc. 

What Is The Right Home Equity Method For You?

What Is The Right Home Equity Method For You

So, we have described three methods for taking out your home equity. You cannot take this lightly since you are taking up a huge liability of repayment using your house as collateral. The decision is complicated. But, you can choose the right method by understanding the risks and benefits of each of the methods. Also, keep the amount and cause you need it in mind. 

Here are some tips to help you –

  • If you do not need a lump sum at once and need the money over time, then choosing the HELOC method would suit you. This way, you can keep your potential cost lower. 
  • If the amount you need is in a lump sum, then opt for a Home Equity Loan. Remember that you have to pay for two mortgages at the same time. 
  • If you want a method with more security, consider using cash-out refinance. You can maintain the current mortgage rate throughout the loan’s lifetime. 

Bottom Line

No matter how hard we try and how prepared we are, life is always one step ahead and can come back stronger against us. That is when we must think quickly and use the resources we have at hand. Using your house equity is one of those ways of gathering emergency funds at the moment of need. So, How do get equity out of your home? Hopefully, you have the answer you were looking for. 

But if you have more queries related to this, please let us know through the comment section; we will try to cover those in the next post we publish. Thank you for reading.

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Shahnawaz Alam
Shahnawaz is a passionate and professional Content writer. He loves to read, write, draw and share his knowledge in different niches like Technology, Cryptocurrency, Travel,Social Media, Social Media Marketing, and Healthcare.

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